
blu Starter Kit

 I can say from experience...

     Track Jack and his new experience with ecigs!  As most of you know, I have recently nearly given up smoking for something better.  And let me be clear, it was a choice.  I found that I get the nicotine I crave while my monthly expense has decreased by more than 50%.  It's a wonderful invention called the ecig.  If this applies to you, I thought it may prove helpful to provide some information about a product which in my opinion is a much better alternative.  As a matter of fact, I am so pleased with it I am now a Blucig affiliate promoting their product.  Now, due to wacky government restrictions, for the time being I am prohibited from using the word "safe" or "healthy" to describe their ecigs, nor can I tell you this product can assist you in kicking the habit, so I will just state the facts.  Blucigs offers a product free of tar and without any carcinogens, costs half the price of cigarettes, and feels exactly as if you're smoking a cigarette- AND you still get your nicotine.  Need I say more?  The ecig is an electronic cigarette which heats the air you suck into water vapor, while evaporating liquid nicotine (sold separately) into the vapor.  At first it took a little getting use to, but now I almost feel as if a real cigarette doesn't measure up to my ecig!  It really does feel like you're actually smoking!  If you would like to consider ordering a starter kit, click here  to visits Blucig's official website, where I ordered mine.  If you decide to order later, please be sure to visit Track Jack and click the link to Blucig's official site- I only receive credit if it can be proven I brought in the sale (that means you must click on my link to get there).  There are several brands you can choose from, and while they all pretty much offer the same thing, I think you'll be happier with Blucig.  It is the only brand offering a recharging pack for on the go, five different flavors of nicotine refills to choose from, as well as choice in the color of the ecig.  Oh, and the $60 price tag is a nice little bonus considering most anywhere else you go you'll be charged well over a hundred buckaroos.  The nicotine refills are about a dollar a piece, each of which equates to about 6 cigarettes.  So once you have your Blucig you can smoke the equivalent of a full pack of cigarettes for around $3.  In case you haven't noticed, that's less than half the current cost of a pack of smokes.  I have provided a page dedicated entirely to Blucigs, on which is a sponsored flash video informing you of the advantages of ordering from them.

The Midwest Masters

The Midwest who?

     Track Jack with his new group, The Midwest Masters!  We are an underground hip-hop/r&b group consisting of myself, Craig Batts and Michael Ball.  Our stage names are Krackajack, Craig Batts and Ball respectively.  While Craig brings the dynamic vocal range of a regular Chris Brown and Ball brings both experience and credibility, I myself bring a faster paced, unprecedented talent seen only here in the midwest.  We have several recorded albums, and are currently recording a collaboration called Project Y.  We will be publishing some of our live recorded songs to YouTube and my website within the next few months. If you would like a copy of some hits from my last album, download Pando and gain access to mp3 downloads on the Downloads and Videos page

Cans For Cancer


What we're doing...

      Track Jack and his affiliation with Cans For Cancer, a brand new fundraising company founded by my close friend, Kyle Mallien.  It promotes recycling of aluminum cans across the state by means of business and citizen sponsored recepticles, of which 100% of the aluminum proceeds are donated to The University of Wisconsin Paul P. Carbone Comprehensive Cancer Center to further cancer research.  As residential director, I currently oversee all residential fundraising activities, which predominately consists of our telefundraising team contacting Wisconsin residents on a six month basis for campaign drives.  Each sponsored recepticle will yield approximately $130 per year for cancer research, and with each donation you will receive a brand new Cans For Cancer tote bag to assist you in bringing your old aluminum cans to a nearby recepticle.  A list of recepticle locations can be found on our official website, as can a wealth of information concerning our goals, sponsorship levels and ways you can help.

Help find a cure with a small gift from the heart

A gift in any amount is very much needed and appreciated, athough we do have a silver level of $20 and a gold level of $50. With any sponsorship of over $20, you will receive an IN LOVING MEMORY sticker placed on the recepticle of your choice in honor of a loved one you've lost in the fight, as well as a bright red Cans For Cancer tote bag to assist you in bringing your old aluminum cans to the sponsored recepticle nearest you. We appreciate your support as well as your prayers, and may God bless you and your family for your kindness shown to those in their greatest hour of need.

Silver Sponsorship

For a gift of only $20, you will join us in finding a cure, as well as cover nearly 1/4 the cost of a new recepticle and annual upkeep!!

Any Gift Amount

          $5 - $500
With a gift truly from the heart, you will not only bring hope to those in despair but boldly stand with us in finding a cure for cancer.
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